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Monday, February 28, 2011

Beautiful weekend

Another busy, but great weekend! Saturday morning, we went to the Katy Rodeo parade and it was lots of fun! It was much longer than I remember from when I was a kid….but, Arielle and her cousins had a lot of fun seeing horses, dancers, and of course tractors!!! Plus, getting candy was exciting for them as well.

I gave in and had my first real “cheat” day on Saturday, complete with a greasy burger, onion rings, and a dr pepper. And then, I had pancakes for dinner! I did gain .6lbs back though…oops. I will tell you this- it was worth it! I got that out of my system and got back on track yesterday.

Arielle and I walked to the park yesterday morning and then I let her play for about an hour and of course she took my hand and led me to every part of the park- it was too cute! Then, we walked to the softball fields after her nap and watched softball practice. She really enjoyed that. And finally, we cleaned the kitchen and living room while dinner cooked. I LOVE the feeling of a clean house!

I must admit, I did NOT work out this weekend, but I felt I got in a lot of “light” exercise with all of the walking I did. I better get back to the circuit workouts with Jillian Michaels today!

Looking forward to a great week- I get to go to the Houston rodeo to see Clay Walker tomorrow night!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Forgot to add...

I tried on a size 18 pants yesterday and THEY FIT!!! They fit a little too tight for my taste, so I will wait a couple more pounds until they feel right to wear them. I am just excited that they fit without any fight getting them up and buttoned!! WOO HOO!!!

Too sleepy to think of a title...

Ugh- another chicken biscuit this morning… I need to go to the store and stock up on breakfast food for here at the office so I don’t have that temptation to stop on the way to work.

On a positive note, I am down .6lbs! I love seeing the scale go down! It definitely motivates me to keep with this because I am seeing results. I know I can’t lose every day though.

I did not work out last night- I was having some stomach issues and didn’t feel very good. I feel better today, so I plan on starting the 30 day shred back up again tonight. I bought a new Jillian Michael’s DVD off of Amazon yesterday, so hopefully I will get that soon so I can alternate between the two in order to keep my work out varied.

Ok, I need good ideas for dinner tonight- I have boneless chicken breasts to cook, but want a quick and easy recipe if you have one. Any ideas? I have printed a few from but wanted to see if any of you had other suggestions.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rough start

Ooops, instead of pressing Snooze, I pressed Dismiss on my alarm this morning! Yikes- I woke up an hour late! So, I rushed to get myself and Arielle ready and we were out the door in 20 minutes! And, I was only 15 minutes late to work so I am taking a short lunch break. Ugh, what a way to start the morning. I hate feeling frazzled in the morning and then my mind is all cloudy once I get to work.

I have worked all of that out now and I am on the right track and focusing better. Thank goodness, that could have been a disaster.

I did, however, have a weak moment on the way to work... I stopped by McDonald's an dgot a chicken biscuit which I'm sure is loaded with fat- I'm too scared to look. That's OK, i just had a Smart ones meal for lunch and have been drinking only water, so I am staying on track for the rest of the day.

I would like to say one thing I am very proud of myself for: as you know, I am a stress eater... Well, the end of the month is always really stressful for me at work, but I have fought my cravings and stress eating habits and have reached for healthier options and water, instead of the chocolate and soda I used to reach for. That is a huge step for me in this new healthy lifestyle. It is amazing what you can do if you put your mind to it!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

LONG but great weekend!

Wow, coming back to work after a 3 day weekend is always hard. Today I feel like I got punched in the face as soon as I waslked in the door! That's alright, I have been going non-stop this morning and I know the rest of my day will be the same. At least I won't just be sitting at my desk all day.

This weekend was great, but very busy! I took Arielle to the zoo yesterday for the first time and she had such an awesome time! She was completely mesmerized by the monkeys- that had to have been her favorite part!

I think she could have sat there all day long.

I stayed the same weight all weekend, but I am still down 10.2lbs! What an awesome feeling!

This is a short entry because I need to get back to my hectic work day! 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


As of this morning, I am down 10.2LBS!!! Woo Hoo!!!
So, time to compare pictures:

 Before 222lbs                        Updated 211.8lbs

OMG- look how looks those pants are on the after pictures!! How exciting to see the results!!! 

Body Wrap Experience

The body wrap was amazing! Basically what it was is Ace bandages soaked in their special solution and I was wrapped like a mummy! It looked really goofy, but, Hey, it worked! I was really self conscious going in there because my Wrap Specialist was a Teeny, Tiny girl with virtually NO FAT! ha ha. A little intimidating if you ask me.

Well, she quickly made me feel at ease and I forgot I was almost naked standing in front of her. When I was completely wrapped, we walked to this relaxation room where I got to watch The Hangover for an hour. During that time, I got the Aqua Foot Detox Bath. I didn't feel a thing, but so many toxins came out of the 3000+ pores in the bottom of my feet! It was crazy! You would have thought I was an alcoholic because she said most of the toxins were coming from my liver! Goodness, I barely drink.

When I was unwrapped, we duplicated the measurements we did before she wrapped me and then I was able to get dressed. We went to another room for the after consultation where she told me how many inches I lost in each area. Well, I lost 12 inches total and the area I had the greatest results were from my thighs! What an awesome feeling!

Now, most of you believe that this what just water weight and that I will gain those inches back soon, but you are wrong. It is from toxins leaving the body and as long as I continue drinking water, eating right and exercising, I should be able to maintain most of the inch loss. They also tell you to wear tight-fitting clothing when you can so you can "trick" your body in to thinking it is still being wrapped. The solution stays in your system for 7-10 days.

I would definitely recommend getting a wrap at some point in your life, just for the experience.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Good Friday morning!!! I love Fridays!

The scale stayed the same as yesterday, and that is perfectly fine. I still feel GREAT! I worked out last night and I love that feeling after you finish a workout. I feel very proud and know that is is making a difference in my weight loss journey.

Oh my gosh- I tried the Smart Ones Chocolate Peanut Butter Sundae yesterday afternoon and it was WONDERFUL! It was just enough to satisfy my craving for sweets!

I have lots of exciting things going on this weekend and I can’t wait for it to start! It starts with tomorrow morning getting my body wrap and aqua foot detox. Then, tomorrow afternoon I have a 2yr birthday party at a bounce house place. Arielle is going to love it! Then on Sunday after church we take Arielle to get updated pictures at JCPenney’s! I bought two of the cutest outfits and I really hope she cooperates during the pictures!

Well, have a wonderful Friday and Fantastic Weekend!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A change...

I’ve decided to go back to weighing every day or every other day. I feel like it motivates me more to either continue working out like I am or work out harder to achieve a higher weight loss. I weighed today and I am down .4lbs from yesterday! I did the 30 day shred last night and felt great! My chest and shoulder areas are extra sore today, but that was probably because I hadn’t worked them out in about a week!

On another exciting note, I feel that I need to move another bra clasp! That will be the tightest I can go on this bra, so after that it will be a new bra size!! : ) I think that is really exciting! Now, if only I could go down a pant size…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Good morning! Well, the weigh-in was not what I hoped for, BUT much better than gaining. I dropped .6lbs this past week. Only 2.2 lbs to go before an updated picture!

I didn’t work-out much last week because I was sick, but started back up again last night. I did the Last Chance Workout by the biggest loser, but I like the 30 day shred dvd much better. I think I will be sticking with the 30 Day Shred until I find another dvd that I like just as much.

Temptations are everywhere I turn, it’s getting frustrating. When I walked in the office today there were Brownies in the kitchen and I have to walk through the kitchen to get to my desk! I passed them up because I know it’s not worth it, but it is just so frustrating that I have so many sweet temptations surrounding me at the office.

Something to look forward to: I am getting an Express Body Wrap and aqua foot detox bath on Saturday! The areas I will focus on for the wrap are my thighs and my stomach. I hope to lose some inches! I got a really good deal on Living Social and that is why I decided to give it a try. These treatments are expensive at regular price, so this will be the only time I will be doing them.

Has anyone ever had a body wrap before? If so, how did you like it?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weigh-in will be tomorrow

I woke up and forgot it was Tuesday, so no weigh-in results today! I hope the scale reads a 2.8 loss so i can take updated pictures and see the results for myself! It's always much different to see it in a picture, rather than in the mirror every morning.

I still have not been working out. It has been almost a week since I worked out. Yikes! Looks like I need to get back to it tonight! I'm going to try a new Biggest Loser workout video that Tess let me borrow.

That is all I have for this morning- I am extremely sleepy today...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Even though I still felt yucky this weekend, we got a lot accomplished! I woke up early on Saturday and went grocery shopping to get ingredients for the recipe for King Ranch Chicken. I cooked it last night- it was so yummy!! I think next time I need to put the mixture on top of all the tortillas because the tortillas on top were too hard. Not bad for my first time though…

Saturday we didn’t go to the park as planned, but we DID go up and down the street a million times with Arielle riding her tricycle! She had a blast and it was so beautiful outside!

Yesterday, we went and bought a new front door and a new door for Arielle’s room and installed those. It didn’t take us as long as I thought it would, and it turned out great! It feels great to have a nice, new front door.

I did a good job of eating well this weekend and drinking more water than last weekend, but I still need to drink more. I did, however eat 2 sugar cookies last night…. Arielle made them for daycare so I just *had* to eat a couple- lol. She did a great job and had so much fun making them! We will have to do that more often with her.

Here’s to a great week!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Woke up sick this morning, but still chugging along to work… gotta pay the bills!

Anyways, I did NOT work out again last night. I need to kick my butt in to gear! I know it will help me lose weight faster or at least start to tone up certain areas of my body. It also looks like it’s going to be a beautiful weekend, so I plan to go to the park with Arielle and play with her and take a long walk around the pond.

I made the shake this morning and it was ok. Better than I expected, but I think I will add some strawberries to it. I’m not used to plain banana shakes. I think adding the strawberries will add the taste I like. Any other fruits you would suggest that taste good in a shake? I’m open to any and all suggestions!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day off

I took today off from work because I had a dr's appt. It was just a checkup, don't worry! I went to a doctor that is helping me in my weight loss journey. I saw him last year in October and on his scale I weighed 232. Today I weighed 218 on his scale!!! That is -14lbs! that was with clothes on of course and my home scale said 213.4.... Either way, I am down 14 lbs since October! I know I majorly slacked off during the holidays, so I am really only counting my weight loss since I started a little over 3 weeks ago.

He charts your height, weight, and BMI and it was really neat to see that by losing only 14lbs, I decreased 3% on my BMI! That is HUGE when you are considered obese.

He also gave me a "recipe" for a shake/smoothie he makes in the morning if he is in a hurry. I have not tried it yet, but when I do, i will let you know if it's any good...

this is the approximate recipe- add to your taste
1/2 cup raw oatmeal
1 cup rice milk or grain milk
1/2 banana or any fruit you choose
2tsp vanilla
dash of cinnamon

Well, that's all from me today : ) Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dreary Day- best for napping!

This is one of those days that I would love to be home cuddled up in bed! It’s raining and another cold front is pushing through. I started feeling blah last night and didn’t workout- I know, excuses, excuses… I woke up feeling even worse; I hope I don’t get sick.

Temptations… this morning, we had one of our vendors bring in DONUTS- that is not nice for a girl on a diet… Ha! I refrained from the donuts though and I feel wonderful about my decision. Yes, they taste good, but those few minutes of good taste are not worth possibly ruining my diet for the day.

Three things I have been doing really well- eating wise:

- Eating on a small plate to cut my portion size

- Eating healthy snacks throughout the day so I never get over-hungry and grab for something unhealthy

- Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day

This new lifestyle is not as hard as I had originally envisioned. Once I got started, it all fell in to place. I have printed some recipes from and plan on going grocery shopping this weekend and trying my hand at cooking them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Drumroll please...Week 3 weigh in

The results are in...........

-2.8lbs this week!!! WOO HOO!!

starting weight- 222 lbs
current weight- 214.8 lbs
Total Loss: 7.2 lbs

What a great feeling! Only 2.8 more to go before updated pictures!!!

My goal for this week: workout at least 5 days! So far, so good- I worked out last night.

I'm afraid I will start getting bored with my 30 day Shred DVD; any suggestions on another that I can buy so I can switch it up?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Long weekend

So, I stayed home from work on Friday because the roads were icy and there were too many accidents on the roads. I did not want to risk it. We had a long weekend, and it was very relaxing! Arielle is starting to get congested and having a little asthma, so I had to start her back on breathing treatments last night. She sounded much better this morning, thank goodness.

On to weight loss… well, I did pretty well this weekend. I drank more water than I did the previous weekend, so that was a good accomplishment. I only worked out once- last night, but I guess that is better than not working out at all, right? I felt great afterwards, which I always do. I just need to remember that feeling when I have those days when I don’t feel like working out. Hopefully knowing how I will feel afterwards will kick my butt in to gear! : ) I can’t wait until it starts warming up so I can go walk around the pond at the park!

Tomorrow is weigh in- I hope to see a big change! I feel I am doing really well and I hope that is reflected on the scale.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 16?

Is it day 16 already?

It was very hard making myself work out last night, but I finally managed to after Arielle was in bed. I felt great afterwards, of course! Now, last night I did not use the 30 Day Shred video as I had been because I do not want to get bored with it, so I did the moves on my own in my room. I still felt like I got a good work out in anyways.
It’s a wonderful feeling when your pants start fitting looser! I have noticed this over the past week and it is very motivating! It will be even more motivating once I can go DOWN a size in pants!! I cannot wait for that day to come!
It has been so cold here the past few days and yesterday I broke down and drank some hot chocolate and to my surprise, it was only 120 calories! So, I thought I was being bad, but in actuality it could have been much worse. So… I had another one this morning to warm me up… I wish our coffee here at work didn’t suck so bad, because that would warm me up and not be as many calories, but that’s alright.
So, yesterday I went in the fridge at work to get my leftovers from Monday and someone ate them!!! I mean, who does that?  You KNOW they are not yours, why would you do that? They are lucky I had a back up Lean Cuisine in the freezer or there might have been a nasty gram email sent out to the office…. I just don’t get some people. GRRR.
We are supposed to get SNOW today!!! Yes, in Texas! I sure hope I get home before it starts snowing- or at least sticking to the ground- because I have NO clue how to drive in snow that sticks to the ground.  It’s pretty and all, but I want to be home in my jammies cuddled up with my little girl…

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Day

Yesterday was a good day. I feel like I ate really well and I drank nothing but water ALL day! I didn’t even have my tea for dinner or my morning coffee.
I also worked out last night and felt great afterwards! I always feel good after working out, it’s just sometimes hard to get myself motivated to go do it… Take today, for instance. It is 24 degrees outside and all I want to do when I get home is change in to my flannel pants and long sleeve shirt and cuddle on the couch with a blanket…  It will be hard to make myself work out tonight. I just have to keep my eye on the “prize” so to speak.
Let me propose a question: When you put crystal light in to your water bottle, does it count towards your daily water consumption? I have always had that question. Does anyone know?
One more question for the day: What do you do with your toddler to let them get some energy out when it is freezing outside and you are stuck inside? I feel like Arielle has all of this built up energy and is acting out the past few evenings because she can’t go outside to play and let the energy out. Thanks in advance!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brace yourself for winter weather!

Well, weigh-in today was not what I was hoping for, but that's OK. I stayed the same, which is definitely better than gaining. I'm still proud of how far I've come, and I'm still going to reach my goal!

Sometimes it's hard to stay positive when you don't see the results you want, but I figure if I get down on myself, I will more than likely not eat how I am supposed to and put on weight... I am a stress/depression eater so I know what happens when I let myself get down.

My new favorite lunch item- Lean Cuisine pizzas!! They are so incredibly yummy it's unreal! I was not expecting them to taste as good as they do. I also got some Kellog's Fiber Plus chocolate chip bars for snacks and they are so good.

On to the lovely weather... This morning from 6-630 the temperature dropped almost 30 degrees, tree limbs fell and rain pounded down. The drive to work was not as bad as expected and I made it safely, which is all that matters. Those of you that live up north are probably laughing at us southerners who aren't used to winter weather and basically "freak out" when we have the possibility of a hard freeze or snow. Last night I made sure our pipes were wrapped and tonight I will leave my faucets dripping. I live in an older house, so I really hope the pipes don't freeze up on us.

Well, bundle up and stay warm this week!