My Pregnancy Tracker!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

35-36 week update!

Looks like this baby could be here any day now! : )

Mia is super low and I am 3-4cm dilated!!! There really is an end in sight to this pregnancy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Late on the update- Dr appt on Tuesday

I had my measurement ultrasound on Tuesday along with a dr appointment afterwards. Baby Mia is measuring 6lbs 14oz as of Tuesday and all of her organs look great! My amniotic fluid level, however, was pretty low. She wants to see me every week now and if it doesn't get better, she will induce at 36-37 weeks. I am 35w2d today! yikes! As long as the baby is fine, I would LOVE to have her out before Christmas, that's for sure!

here is a picture of my belly from Friday- 35 weeks

I had my baby shower yesterday and I am so incredibly blessed! Baby Mia will be the best dressed baby ever and has everything she needs! It was a wonderful shower and was so great to be able to spend time with family and friends that I don't get to see very often.