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Thursday, March 31, 2011

good day

Started fresh today and I have been doing really well. I had chicken salad and grapes for lunch and have been drinking lots of water! I am just so ready to see that scale go down… ugh. This is HARD!!!

I also started taking vitamins today and I hope they help with my cravings and fatigue. Now if I could only get back on the workout train I would be good…

10 days until my vacation!! WOO HOO!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Being Honest

So I have fallen off the wagon so to speak. I have been eating horribly! I have been drinking some water, but not as much as I should.

Here is what I have been eating and drinking over the last few days or so:

McDonald’s chicken biscuits
Dr Peppers

BIG cabana bowl with refried beans, rice, steak fajita, and guacamole- very yummy and one of my weaknesses

I had 2 reese’s cups yesterday

Taco bell bean burrito

OUCH! I know it’s been a stressful week, but I should be able to control myself better. I also have not been working out and I know that is contributing to my gaining 2 lbs back. UGH.

So, is this my “start over” day? Yes, I think it is! I am going on my lunch break to buy grapes for snacks and lean cuisines! That should keep me on track at work. Now, If I could just stay away from the dr. peppers!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Totally not feeling this...

I cannot shake this laziness and just BLAH mood... I don't "feel" like dieting or working out, although I know that is the only thing that will get me to my goal. I can tell myself this all day and it will still not make a difference. I am so frustrated with myself.

I have done well today though, so I guess that is one good thing. I have drank 3 glasses of water at least and Ihad a lean cuisine for lunch, although I'm still hungry! Good thing I don't have any unhealthy snacks lying around..

How do I get out of this FUNK?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Stressful days are killer for my lifestyle change!

Yesterday was a BAD day, stress wise. Work is really getting to me this week and yesterday was my breaking point. I had a panic attack and all I wanted to do was LEAVE. I didn't, but somehow I finally calmed down.

When I get upset or stressed, I want to EAT- and not healthy options either....I wanted chocolate and sodas and anything else that may comfort me. Man, what a day. I did refrain though. It was hard, but I know it wasn't worth it. I was too busy at work either to really eat like that, so that helped.

Do you have any suggestions on how to handle stress? I have always been a stress eater and it's creeping up on me again.

I really hope today goes better than yesterday. I mean, it's FRIDAY- it's got to be better, right????

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's beginning to feel a LOT like spring/summer!

Wow, it has been so beautiful lately!!! Only bad thing about that is it is getting really warm on my walks around the building at work. I don't want to come back in to work smelling, ya know? So, when it starts getting even hotter, do I continue my walking? I feel great after my walk and more energized, so I just don't know what to do.

I did a mini workout without the DVD last night- just moves from my memory and it felt pretty good. I should have done more though. I am not losing weight, I am staying the same which is OK.

I haven't figure out dinner yet, but for breakfast I am eating graham crackers and natural peanut butter, and for lunch I will have a lean cuisine. I plan on drinking nothing but water today, including at dinner!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back on track...

Yes, I am back on track and ready to get this weight off! I have 19 days until I leave for my vacation, and still want to lose 8lbs… Is it possible? I believe so if I work my butt off and continue eating well!

I am really enjoying the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD I have. It is a hard workout, but I can feel it working and I love that.

My weakness this past week- DR PEPPER… I don’t know why, but I just can’t seem to give it up… I am still drinking water- at least 4 glasses a day, which is better than nothing.

I have a good start going for my day: smart ones breakfast croissant and water for breakfast, I plan to have a lean cuisine for lunch and probably chicken fajitas for dinner… Not too bad.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

sticking with it...

I don’t know why I can’t suck it up and workout everyday! I worked out last night and the natural high afterwards is so awesome! Yes, it was a tough workout, but once I was finished, I felt so proud and actually more energized.

One thing that kept me going last night as well (thank you, Christina) was thinking “swimsuit, swimsuit, swimsuit” when it got really tough and I wanted to quit… It definitely kept me going at it!

I made the mistake of waking up STARVING and not having any breakfast food at home… so I stopped by McDonald’s for breakfast… not a good decision, but at least I have all day to work it off.

Here is my inspiration: I took her to the park yesterday after dinner and the look of pure joy makes me want to be more in shape so I can continue doing things with her!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have felt very sluggish today, so I am just now getting around to posting. My back is feeling a bit better today, which is good. I still don’t feel like working out. Not to be gross, but how do you make yourself workout when it’s “that time of the month?” I just don’t feel like doing anything except laying down and sleeping. If I didn’t have to work, I’m sure I would stay in bed all day during this lovely week.

I have, however, eaten healthy so far this week. Hopefully that will be enough to maintain and possibly lose some weight this week.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Exercise suggestions?

It seems I somehow injured my back yesterday because it started KILLING me last night…. Are there any exercises that I can do that will not impact my back? I want to be able to do something until it gets better, but don’t have a clue as to what I will be able to do. Any suggestions?

I did horrible eating wise this weekend. For some reason, I just can’t stay on track throughout the weekend. It is so frustrating that I lose all willpower… How do you keep yourself on track throughout the weekend?

I am back on track this morning with a great mindset and have already started drinking my water for the day, so that is one positive note to this morning’s post…

Well, back to answering work emails from the weekend! Have a wonderful day.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Not doing so well on my eating… I had a LOT of pizza last night, what was I thinking???? I also have not drank any water whatsoever today…

This is supposed to be a lifestyle change and I seem to be going backwards… I do not want to start gaining any weight back, but I just can’t seem to get back in my groove.

Any tips? I’m so frustrated with myself right now…

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Busy, Busy day today! I had a meeting for most of the morning and just got finished with my lean cuisine lunch- yummmy!

I stayed the same weight today, and that is GREAT!!! i put on a size smaller pants today- the ones I wanted to lose a couple more pounds first- and they fit and look pretty good. I'm really self conscious that they are too tight, but I guess they aren't... I hope they become loose really soon : )

I wanted to check in really quick- off to eat my Smart Ones dessert now!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Doing better

Well, I stayed on track for most of yesterday- AND I worked out! It was such an inner battle getting myself to work out last night. I finally just made myself get up and do it!

It paid off because I lost another .4lbs. I LOVE seeing the scale go down! I’m getting really excited knowing how close I am to being under 200lbs again- only 9.2lbs to go! I know I can do that.

I am looking forward to taking Arielle swimming and not being ashamed of how I look in a bathing suit. She absolutely loves being in the water and I don’t want to hold her back by any means due to my insecurities about my body.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Off the wagon...

Yup, I had Burger King AND McDonald’s yesterday… I don’t know what was wrong with me- I was craving a burger and fries so bad! I feel like I can get back on track today though.

Weird thing is, I somehow lost another .8lbs yesterday with eating all of that… I almost wanted to see the scale go up to punish myself for eating badly.

It is one of those dreary days where you just want to stay in bed all day and I know that will make it so much harder for me to get motivated to work out tonight. I just need to suck it up…

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend recap- relaxing weekend, did not work out, but I ate pretty good. I should have worked out, but I still lost .8 lbs over the weekend without the workout.

And, I was craving a burger today, so I got a whopper jr and fries for lunch…. extra workout time for me tonight for sure! Something I noticed: I feel very sluggish after eating the burger and fries…. My body is not used to eating like that anymore and it shows. Hopefully I will remember that the next time I have one of these cravings.

Positive notes:

- I am drinking LOTS of water every day.

- I am walking for 30 minutes daily during the week at work

- I can see the change in my body shape and I’m loving it!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Natural High

Yes, I am on a natural high- from working out! I have always heard that you can feel this much of a high after working out, but had never experienced it until last night. Yes, I was worn out from the killer workout, but I was so proud and I just felt GOOD.

I did the same amount of time on the dvd, and I think I may be ready to do a little bit more tonight. I am starting to feel stronger and as if I am gaining more stamina.

My goals for this weekend: continue with my workouts and drink nothing but water!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What a Workout!

I tried the “Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism” Jillian Michaels dvd and it was killer! I did one set of each circuit to start off with. That is half of the entire workout, but I was able to do all of the moves with little variations. I have not sweated that much in so long. I felt so great afterwards, as I always do after a workout. I plan on doing the same thing tonight.

Although I felt wonderful last night and very proud, I just don’t understand why I’m not losing weight. I am staying the same, which is much better than gaining, but I am not losing. I hope with this new workout, I can burn more fat and start losing again. I hate coming to a plateau!

Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement- it helps more than you know! It keeps me going each day because I want to have good reports when I post an entry : )

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


So, I feel like I have lost my willpower… Last night at the rodeo I had a chili-cheese dog AND a strawberry margarita….oops! Granted, before this diet I would have eaten 2 hot dogs, so that is better portion control, but still.

I NEED to get back on track so I can start losing weight instead of staying the same. I was afraid to weigh in this morning, but I did and surprisingly I stayed the same weight. I need to start losing weight in order to meet my new goal and I am just losing my drive and willpower.

HELP please!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rough night makes for a very tired Momma

We had some issues with Arielle that made for a really rough night… So, needless to say, I am extra sleepy today!

I did, however, work out last night! I did the 30 day shred workout. I am also walking for 30 minutes around our office building each day, so that gives me extra exercise and gets me up from my desk twice a day. I am going to the rodeo tonight, so there will not be a workout when I get home. I will be doing plenty of walking though.

I am down .2lbs from what I had gained over the weekend.

I have a new goal on top of my bigger goal: we are going to visit Jimmy’s mother in 6 weeks and I want to be down to 200 by then. I am currently 211.6. I believe that is a feasible goal. So, what this means to me is working out every day without any excuses! I know if I do that and eat healthy, I can achieve this goal!