My Pregnancy Tracker!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

NT Scan

Ok, so I had my NT Scan on Monday, but no news yet. I’m sure I will get the results at my next doctor’s appointment on July 8th, so I won’t have to wait too long. I’m not really worried about it anyways.

Here are a couple of ultrasound pictures from today’s scan:

Here is an OK profile picture of the baby @ 12w3d
the baby is waving in this one!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Well, I'm happy to report I have not had much sickness this week! Hooray for me! I have, however, been extremely sleepy but I know that is to be expected, especially with a toddler running around.

Monday I have my NT scan in the afternoon and I will get to see the baby again :)

Well, this was just a quick update to let you know I'm hanging in there! Now, back to work... although I could really use a nap right now :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

When did THIS happen?

Holy cow, look at this belly already!!! Yikes! this was what 16 weeks looked like when I was preggo with Arielle…. and I am only a little over 11 weeks with this one!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Learned something new today!

I have been having trouble figuring out how much water I am drinking. I never measured the cup I was drinking out of and it’s so big, it seems unattainable to drink the entire cup… Well, I brought a bottled water today and finally I am seeing how much water I am actually drinking. I thought I wasn’t getting enough, when in actuality, I am which is wonderful and such a relief! I have already drank a bottle of what since getting her 15 minutes ago and I’m not even trying!

I have been eating fruits every day, but probably need to be eating more veggies… they just aren’t that appetizing at the moment…

I have slacked off with walking everyday and want to get started again, just don’t want to go by myself. My walking partner is no longer here at work : (. I keep telling myself I will go in the evening with Arielle, but I am just so exhausted when I get home that all I do is sit down… Plus, it is just so darn hot outside now!!! Dang you Texas heat!

Anyways, I am feeling pretty good these days, just tired and getting occasional migraines. I just have to keep pushing through.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

UPDATE: I have a Peanut!

The doctor appointment went well today. The doctor really wasn’t concerned about the small subchorionic bleed at all. She said it is pretty normal as long as I don’t start bleeding and will dissolve on its own.

Baby is measuring 9w5d so new due date is January 6th! Geez that seems like FOREVER AWAY!!! But, if memory serves me correctly, it sneaks up pretty quickly the last couple months…

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for your thoughts and prayers through this entire ordeal!

I have never referred to a baby as a “peanut” before, but I just can’t help myself this time… this baby looks like a peanut in this picture!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Emergency Room experience

Well, I woke up Friday morning with a horrible left side abdominal pain, but thought it was either dehydration or gas pains so I just drank a ton of water and took some tums. I went to work for a couple hours and then came home and rested. It was bearable and I thought it would get better so I didn't do anything else but rest.

Well, Saturday we had a birthday party to go to for Arielle's "boyfriend" Tyler, so I toughed it out and went. Here is a picture of Arielle and Tyler dancing:

We came home and took a nap and when I woke up and rolled over the pain was so sharp I was in tears.

I dropped Arielle off with my parents and off I went to the ER! I waited for an hour and a half in the waiting room before going back, which I thought was a bit ridiculous since I am pregnant and having abdominal pains! When I got to the room, I could not even move an inch in my chair without a sharp pain forming, leaving me in tears. The nurse came in shortly after and took all my information and then they started my bloodwork. Check out my battle wound : (

that vein collapsed shortly after the bloodwork was done, so they tried for an IV in that hand and THAT vein collapsed. So, they ended up getting the IV in the right hand, then NEVER used it... Frustrating, Let me tell you!

I was switched to another room and taken to get an ultrasound right after that. They did over the belly and vaginal ultrasound and I was on pins and needles waiting to find out if the baby was OK or not... About an HOUR after that, the doctor finally came back in to tell me that the baby is great, measuring 9w1d and heart rate was 180 beats per minute. That was such a relief! Now, on to the fun part: I have a small UTI and a "very small subchorionic bleed".

What is a subchorionic bleed? I had the same question, so this is what my friends at Google had to say- LOL
"Also called subchorionic hematoma, subchorionic bleeding is the accumulation of blood within the folds of the chorion (the outer fetal membrane, next to the placenta) or within the layers of the placenta itself. These bleeds, or clots, can cause the placenta to separate from the uterine wall if they get too large, if they develop in a bad spot, or if they aren’t eventually reabsorbed." Thankfully, I have not had any spotting or bleeding!

So, of course I am worrying now, but there is absolutely nothing I can do. I was sent home with a prescription for my UTI and told to follow up with my doctor. I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon and I will update afterwards.

So, for now it's just a waiting game of resting, drinking LOTs of water, and working.

They say the bleed will more than likely dissolve on its own, so that is what I am hoping for. Weird thing is, the pain started lessening right after the ultrasound, so it's like they "moved" stuff around- LOL. The doctor also said that some of the pain could also be muscular and stretching early in the pregnancy.. I don't know- it's never hurt that bad before, but I am thankful that the pain is almost gone now.

One thing I can definitely say is that every pregnancy is MUCH different! I had NO complications with Arielle, just the usual aches and pains and I have already had issues with this one... I hope this is the end of the complications and I can enjoy my last 31 weeks!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sorry it's been so long...

Sorry I haven't checked in for over a week : ( The end of the month is always crazy for me at work!

I have been feeling MUCH better, only really feeling sick when I've waited too long to eat. I still have my moments every couple days, but for the most part, I am better.

I have been doing really well eating wise too! I have been eating lots of fruits and veggies. Strawberries and blackberries are my favorites right now. So, I have made a healthier snack choice rather than going to the vending machine and it is much more satisfying too- YAY ME! lol

On to exercising... not doing as well as I would have liked to. I am still walking at work at least once per day, but have not really been walking or doing much at home in the evenings. I stretch sometimes- when I actually remember though.

Opinions needed- When should I start taking belly pictures? I think I started at 16 weeks with Arielle because that is when I started showing, but I have a feeling it will be sooner with this pregnancy... What are your thoughts?

Time to get ready for bed, but I will check in again soon I promise! Have a wonderful evening.