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Thursday, April 28, 2011

So close to Friday!

I forgot to mention that I have set my goal lower this time- only 11lbs to get to the 200lb mark! Once I make it to that goal, I will redesign the page again and set another 10lbs goal! I think that will make it feel like like less of a journey and more attainable!

I have continued to eat well the past few days and I am confident that I can do it this time!! For lunches next week, I think I will either bring salad stuff or sandwich stuff along with fresh fruits! I have been eating Lean Cuisines and they are getting old...

On another note, I am so ready for the weekend!!!! I don't have anything planned other than church on Sunday, but I just want to have some down time...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great start!

I am down .4lbs, but better yet, I FEEL great! I stretched last night and then did some hand weight exercises before bed. I was only going to stretch, but I was feeling good, so I went and got my hand weights and did those. I woke up feeling great and I was not nearly as tired as I have been. Even though it wasn’t a hard core workout, I am proud of myself for at least doing SOMETHING!

One thing I am still struggling with is my water intake. For some reason, I am not getting more than 40oz each day this week. It’s not that I don’t like the taste of water, I have been away from my desk a lot doing other work and I guess I let it slip my mind to drink more. I am hoping to get back on track with water very soon!

Now, it is the afternoon and I am starting to get sleepy. I’m sure my 3 o’clock walk around the building will help wake me up : ).

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Yesterday was a rough day, but I received a tremendous amount of support and advice from all of you. Thank you dearly for that!!

Taking the advice from an old friend, I am starting fresh as of today! My goal is still the same- to lose the weight and become healthier! It is a lifestyle change, not just weight loss and I need to continually remind myself of this.I felt like a failure before because my weight kept going back and forth! Since I am starting fresh, I decided to redesign my blog- what do you think?

I will start slowly and work my way up to working out every day. Baby steps- starting with taking Arielle for a walk each evening after dinner. We will both get some fresh air, and I will get some extra exercise. I will walk at least once a day around our building at work, which will also add to my exercise. I also need to up my water intake as I have been lacking in that department lately. More fresh fruit and veggies are on my list to eat more of too! Baby steps though...

I want to thank each of you for following my journey and being so supportive. It is because of you that I am not giving up! And, I NEED to get healthy so I can live longer and be more active with Arielle!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Ready to give up on the whole dang thing

I hate weekends! I CANNOT stick with anything on the weekend. It freaking sucks. I am so close to just giving up on this whole thing. I do pretty well during the week and then the weekend comes and I gain it all back. GRRR. I should know by now that this happens and not do it, but I guess I haven’t learned yet.

I guess my problem is that the weight is coming off so slow and it just gets frustrating….But, if it comes off too fast, it comes back too fast also! I am doing this the safe way, but I am still so frustrated with myself. I can’t believe I let myself get this BIG. I am so disgusted. UGH, I guess I am just having a “feel sorry for yourself” kind of day.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy "Friday"

I am so glad this work week is almost over! Man, has it been stressful!

I did lose 4.4lbs since Monday though- I thought I hadn’t lost anything, but I had forgotten my “start at” number for the week… So, Yippee!!! I’m glad that I lost weight, even though I only worked out 1 day thus far…. I should be able to get a work out in tomorrow while I am home with Arielle. She thinks it’s funny to watch Mommy exercise! LOL. Sometimes she even tries the moves with me : ) and other times she just screams for me to stop so we can play- ha ha.

I drank about 50oz of water again yesterday and I hope to up it today… I am cutting out my lunch soda, so that should help quite a bit.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

so sleepy!

So, I still haven't caught up on sleep from the vacation and all that driving! I DID wake up to workout this morning, but only made it through 10 minutes before I decided to go lay back down! Ugh, it was such an inner battle, but I gave in... Maybe I will feel up to doing the other 20 minutes this evening. I sure hope so- I want to see that scale go down!!

So, today begins the grueling end of the month for me at work. So, I may disappear for a couple days to get all my work done.

I came close to my goal yesterday- I had 50oz of water instead of the 64oz I had originally wanted. Today, I am really thirsty for some reason, so I am sure I won't have an issue reaching it today!

Goal for tomorrow since I have already ruined it for today: NO sodas! I had 1 yesterday and 1 with my lunch today. I know if I completely cut those out, I can lose more weight and my tummy won't feel as bloated.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back on Track!

Yes, I stuck with it yesterday and I am back on track for sure. I ate really well and controlled my portion sizes. I woke up early this morning and worked out and I feel great! I hope I can keep that up- it is just so hard to get motivated to work out after Arielle goes to sleep at night, so I figured I would do it before my morning shower.

My goal today- drink AT LEAST 64oz of water.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Back from vacation

Yup, back from vacation...i ate HORRIBLY last week while I was gone and gained almost 5lbs!!! YIKES!

I have done pretty well getting back on track today though. I did, however, have a chicken biscuit for breakfast though... I have been drinking water and I had some iced tea with sweet n low at lunch. We had fajitas catered for lunch today, but I did really well! I had chicken, black beans, guacamole and salsa! No chips, tortillas or rice! : ) I feel proud of myself for exercising restraint and only eating the better options.

I bought some Muscle Milk light protein shakes last night and had one this morning for my "snack". It was actually pretty good! It has 15g of protein and only 100 calories. I think I will drink 2 of those per day. I am going to try a few different shakes this week to see which I like the best and then stick with those.

I will start my work out dvd again tonight, even if I am exhausted! LONG road trips will definitely make you tired, but I need to suck it up and get back on track!

I know I can do this, and now I have the right mindset again!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Friday!!!

So, it's the last work day before my week long vacation!!! WOO HOO!!! I think I'm already in vacation mode though because I have not stuck to my diet this week... I was doing really well up until yesterday when I broke down and had a burger meal from Burger King...

Need some suggestions: while on an 18 hour road trip- HOW can you stick to a diet and eat somewhat healthy? I will bring bottled water instead of soda, but what sort of snacks can I bring? I'm also thinking of grabbing some protein shakes to help me from craving the bad foods :)

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a wonderful week next week!!! Talk to y'all when I get back!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yes, I finally broke through 208!!! I am down to 207.6 today!! For some reason, it just seems like more of an accomplishment being 207, rather than 208. Weird, I know.

One thing that I am really struggling with though, is working out! I cannot seem to get myself motivated to start working out again! I was doing so well and then I don’t know what happened- I got lazy I guess.

How do you motivate yourself to work-out? I know it shouldn’t be THIS hard to get myself going, but it is for some reason…

On another note, I have started wearing makeup again and I think it’s really going to help my self- confidence. I felt great this morning after putting it on. It’s amazing how something so simple can help so much…

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Test

I had a good weekend, with the exception of NOT drinking any water. OOPS. I drank mostly sweet tea- at least it wasn’t Dr Peppers this time… I maintained my weight so I am happy with that.

Now on to “The Test”. I had the opportunity to get Whataburger for lunch, but after my inward struggle, I passed it up!! WOO HOO!!! That was a tough one, but I knew it wouldn’t be worth it so I stayed in t he car so I wouldn’t tempt myself further… It felt great to pass it up. Now if I could just do that every time…